Writing SEO Content Properly

Published on 30 July 2024 at 18:22

 SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of improving and promoting a website to increase its visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. The goal is to attract more organic (unpaid) traffic to the website by optimizing its content, structure, and user experience to match the search engine's algorithms and user preferences. This can involve keyword research, link building, content creation, technical optimization, and more. Ultimately, effective SEO can help businesses and organizations reach a larger audience and achieve greater success online. 


Writing SEO-optimized content.


  • Write long content. 1500-2000 or more words are recommended. Long content is now one of the ranking factors as Google finds it easy to track the relevance.

    (For Writer: A tip to write good content, type in your keyword/topic in Google, and look for the top 5 results as that is Google’s most favorite content and that is why that is running it up. So get an idea and try to create a better copy than those top 5 results.)

  • Use the targeted keyword with H1, H2, and H3. (H1=Title, H2=Subheading, H3=Subheading of H2 or you can call it Third Heading.

  • Use keywords within the first paragraph, possibly within the first sentence to immediately clear the theme of the content.

  • Overall keyword(s) density throughout the article should be around 1%. It can be more or less but keywords should be used naturally.
  • Please include internal and external links where it is needed to support the content and to provide a good user experience.

  • Keep the length of the sentences to less than 20 words.

  • Keep the paragraphs less than 150 words. That also improves readability.

  • Always use the synonyms of the targeted keyword in addition to the exact match keyword, you can also break the primary keyword into parts and spread it throughout the content. 


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2 months ago

Very useful Blog.