What are people searching for on Google and Facebook?

Published on 1 August 2024 at 15:39

Have you got a Google or FB ads account and it has stopped performing as well? You are not alone it is going around


For people who have not used Google or FB ads let's get into some info about it.


What are Google ads?


Google Ads is an online advertising platform created by Google. It allows businesses to display ads on Google’s search results pages and across its advertising network. Advertisers create text, image, or video ads and choose keywords related to their products or services. When users search for these keywords on Google, the ads may appear next to the search results.


Google Ads operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, meaning advertisers pay only when someone clicks on their ad. Advertisers set a budget and bid on keywords, and Google uses an auction system to determine which ads appear. The goal is to connect businesses with potential customers who are actively searching for what they offer.


In addition to search ads, Google Ads can also display ads on other websites, mobile apps, and YouTube. This wide reach helps businesses target specific audiences effectively. Advertisers can track their ad performance, adjust their strategies, and measure their return on investment (ROI) to optimize their campaigns.



What are Facebook ads?


Facebook Ads is an advertising platform offered by Meta (formerly Facebook). It allows businesses to create and display ads on Facebook and its other platforms like Instagram and Messenger. Advertisers can target specific groups of people based on their interests, demographics, and behaviors.


To get started, businesses set up an ad campaign, choose their target audience, and design their ads. These ads can be in various formats, such as images, videos, or carousels (multiple images). Advertisers also set a budget and bid for ad placement.


Facebook uses a bidding system to show ads to users who are most likely to be interested. Advertisers pay based on the number of clicks or impressions (how many times the ad is seen).


Facebook Ads offers detailed analytics to track ad performance. This helps businesses see how many people interacted with their ads and how effective their campaigns are. Adjustments can be made based on this data to improve results. Overall, Facebook Ads provides a powerful tool for reaching targeted audiences and driving engagement.



Let's look at Facebook's algorithm 


Facebook's algorithm curates content by prioritizing posts based on user interactions, such as likes, comments, and shares. It also considers factors like post-recency and relevance to individual preferences. The goal is to show users the most engaging and relevant content in their News Feed, enhancing their overall experience.



The biggest mistake to make on FB ads?



When you create or boost a Facebook ad (for your business) you can optimize the ad by using the system to target people by - targeting areas such as countries, states, etc. You can also target people's interests such as you have a House cleaning business and people may have an interest in house cleaning so you can target them. Sounds Great



The problem is simple!

70% or more of your ads are being shown to your competitors that's right! And unless they are crazy they are not going to contact you for business



So what's the solution?

Really simple if you are looking for new customers you are better off targeting people who like things such as - Real estate, magazines such as "Better Home and Gardens" and things that are possible matches.



Facebook ads are a suggestive sale method it is hit and miss while Google ads are more direct because people are searching for your business.This explains why googles cost per click and daily spend is usually higher



So what is going on with Google ads these days?


What is happening is people's search trends have changed big time. And it is really making people's Google ads underperform.


When you search for a phrase like "House cleaning Sydney" the results show up like usual. If you look at the top of the page you will see these weird links like "Top rated" and others. When you click on it your keyword turns into the keyword "top rated house cleaning Sydney" Data says that people are clicking on these more than ever


So businesses are including these changes in their ads but Google will on show a limited amount of ads at the top. So everyone is increasing their bids to get in the top 3 ads.



On the face of it, it looks like it is designed for people to spend more money and also interact with Google more

Who knows? But it is a problem for thousands of businesses.



Other FB ad mistakes

Poor Targeting: Failing to define a specific audience can waste ad spend. Accurate targeting ensures ads reach potential customers.


Ignoring Analytics: Not analyzing performance metrics means missing insights that could improve future campaigns.


Unclear Goals: Running ads without clear objectives can lead to ineffective campaigns. Define goals like brand awareness or sales to guide your strategy.


Neglecting Ad Quality: Low-quality visuals or unclear messaging can reduce engagement. High-quality, compelling ads attract more attention.


Overlooking Mobile Users: Many users access Facebook via mobile devices. Ads not optimized for mobile can perform poorly.


Setting Inappropriate Budgets: Too high or too low a budget can hinder results. Test and adjust budgets based on performance.


Avoiding these mistakes helps ensure Facebook Ads are effective, efficient, and aligned with your marketing goals.




Google ad mistakes

Poor Keyword Selection: Using broad or irrelevant keywords can attract the wrong audience, wasting budget. Focus on specific, relevant keywords to reach potential customers effectively.


Ignoring Negative Keywords: Not setting negative keywords can lead to your ads showing for irrelevant searches, wasting ad spend on clicks that don’t convert.


Neglecting Ad Copy: Weak or unclear ad copy can fail to attract attention. Ensure your ads are compelling, relevant, and include a clear call to action.


Skipping Ad Extensions: Ad extensions provide additional information and increase ad visibility. Neglecting them can reduce your ad's effectiveness and CTR (click-through rate).


Overlooking Landing Pages: Directing users to poorly designed or irrelevant landing pages can lower conversion rates. Ensure landing pages match ad content and offer a good user experience.


Ignoring Performance Data: Failing to analyze campaign performance can result in missed opportunities for optimization. Regularly review metrics like CTR, conversion rate, and ROI to refine your strategy.

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