Google Approved Entity Backlinks


Google Approved

( Bonus and Reddit backlinks for you and 25 Niche Relevant Blog Comments)


Click here for an example


The Google Stack SEO method Is the most powerful method for boosting your ranking. If done correctly you can not compete with It because you are using Google properties/systems and Google puts fast trust and priority in your website over others. It is a 100% natural and safe white hat method. Give it a try you will love the results

GOOGLE STACKING is very popular for Ranking in Google and ranking higher in Organic Search  specially in Google 3-PACK mapping


What you will get G Public Folder G Site G Document Folder (with 1 Doc file filled with content and info)

G Map with 1 location G Spreadsheet G Presentation Slides (contains 10 slides with all info and links)

G Forms (With 1 questions and response sheet & filled with images and 1 article)

G Drawing Geo-Tagged Images Folder (10 geotag images)

G PDF Folder (Add 1 PDF docs)

G Calendar (With 1 entries & backlinks & data included for daily repetition) G Sheet Keywords (Added info with 4 tabs/pages for 100 related keywords on each tab)


Example of work click here


Contact me after purchase and supply your receipt number and I will contact you by email and we will start the process...